Monday, June 2, 2008

Haven't you read my blog?

Finally, my first blog entry...

Now when I respond to someone's question about travel or travel suggestions by saying, "Haven't you read my blog?" I won't be lying. I strategically began the buzz about my blog months before I actually started writing it in casual conversations with my family, friends, and a co-worker. This way, I could start blogging with an expectant audience of dedicated readers . I know those five people are looking forward to great (or at least written) things, and I hope to fulfill their expectations.

Here's what this blog will be about, though I think the title is quite succinct:
1.Travels(n.) journeys, wanderings
2.Travel (v.) to go from one place to another by car, boat, train, or airplane

A pretty broad subject, so I will narrow my blog focus a bit, as not to overwhelm my reader(s). Specifically, this blog will be about topics like:
domestic air travel
business travel
personal travel
road trips
trips with the family (road or otherwise)
tips and hints for travel
anecdotes, mine and others

And that is it. Enjoy reading Travelbloggity, and I will enjoy writing it. Mostly, though, I will enjoy telling people to "read my blog."

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